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Tilknyttede projekter
Smart Approaches to Environmental Management (SEM) II- Uganda
Nr: 280 Smart Approaches to Environmental Management (SEM) II- Uganda This intervention aims to strengthen climate resilience and adaptive capacity of Teso region. To achieve this, the intervention will focus on building capacity and promoting intergenerational environmental stewardship by training and nurturing a young generation.The intervention will utilise the skills…
SEM – Smart Approaches for Environmental Management
SEM – Smart Approaches for Environmental Management Funder CISU, DKK 994.126 Project period 1.7.22-30.6.23 Projektet er et pilotprojekt, der implementeres på 5 primary schools i Soroti. Projektet er inspireret inspireret af et andet miljøprojekt,vi gennemfører på 20 Secondary Schools i det samme område. Vi forventer at søge en projektudvidelse…