Networking among CSOs
Networking among CSOs
The objective is to develop a network of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Uganda with strengthened collaboration amongst themselves especially those doing similar work on environment and climate change. The network will be national but with focus on regions where SwB have or had environmental projects. The established network will build synergies, limit programme duplication, contribute to sound policy formulation, advocate for improved civic space in Uganda with linkages to dannish organisations to share best practices from developed countries.
Thus, the network will enable CSOs to work collaboratively to pursue common goals; organisations in the network will retain their autonomy and identity. The added advantage is that when CSOs come together and pool their efforts towards certain issues, they can become even more effective and achieve bigger outcomes.
Start 1.6.2023. Slut: 31.5.2024
Projektansvarlig: Poul Krøijer
Regnskab: Lone Jacobsen
Kommunikation: Hazra Okem
Partner : CIDI – Community Integrated Development Initiative
Finansiering : CISU DKK 98.667
Application for prolongation is in the pipeline in for2025