Smart Approaches to Environmental Management (SEM) II- Uganda
Klimatilpasning Uganda

Nr:   280 Smart Approaches to Environmental Management (SEM) II- Uganda

This intervention aims to strengthen climate resilience and adaptive capacity of Teso region. To achieve this, the intervention will focus on building capacity and promoting intergenerational environmental stewardship by training and nurturing a young generation.The intervention will utilise the skills of School Community Environmental Committees (SCEC) formulated during the first phase of the SEM project to sustain activities of the Environmental Clubs (EC).They will further supervise and mentor Youth Climate Action Groups (YCAGs). The interevention’s key activities will focus on woodlot establishment, tree planting initiatives, food security techniques, clean energy, and waste management strategies and events and intergenerational dialogues. Other complementary skills will be integrated such as (VSLA), problem solving and efforts will be taken to promote collaboration. For advocacy, policy scorecards will be used to track the implementation, existing gaps and making recommendations.

Start 1.1.2024  Slut 30.6.2025

Partner : YLEC- Youth Leading Environmental Change

Finansiering :  CISU DKK 999.578